Шет тілі бойынша халықаралық онлайн олимпиадаға қатысу

On November 19, 2021, students of group 201 of the faculty of «General Medicine» Beket Bekturly, Aldanova Asel, Uralov Mustafa took part in the international online Olympiad in foreign languages, organized by the department of foreign languages of technical faculties of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk State Technical University “.
Our students have shown excellent knowledge and high level of proficiency in English, as well as the ability to work in one team. According to the results of the Olympiad, the team of our university took 2nd place and was awarded 2nd degree diploma. The participants of the Olympiad received certificates of participants. Teachers of the department of languages, course of foreign languages Yermenova K.K, Kanlybayeva A.U. and Dauletova D.D., who prepared students for the Olympiad, received letters of thanks from the organizers of the Olympiad.