Service of social and psychological support – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Service of social and psychological support


Head of the social and psychological support service – Bisekova Gulnur Duysenbekovna; Higher education, Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov.


  1. Certificate for active participation in the training seminar “Effective sales and self-presentation skills” from the director of Aktobe Damuy, J.A.Kadyrov, Aktobe, 2015.
  2. Certificate for passing a special module on the topic “Curator – adviser of the kyzmeti” from the Rector of the Marat Ospanov State State Medical University E.J.Bekmukhambetov. Aktobe, 2015.
  3. Certificate for participation in a training seminar on the topic: “Measures to prevent suicide among young people” from Aktobe Damuy, responsible for the course of psychiatry and narcology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor V.P.Pavlenko. Aktobe, 2016.
  4. Certificate for completion of advanced training courses in “Pedagogy and psychology in Higher education” in the amount of 72 hours from 06.02.2017 to 17.02.2017 from the Rector of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybayev, the Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training S.Omirbayev. Petropavlovsk, 2017.
  5. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov State Medical University, a letter of thanks from the rector of the University E. J. Bekmukhambetov for his significant work and great contribution to strengthening healthcare. Aktobe, 2017.
  6. Certificate for participation in the training of trainers on the topic “Information promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights among adolescents and youth”. The coordinator of Aktobe Damuy. The year is 2017.
  7. Certificate for participation in the information and explanatory seminar “State policy in the religious sphere”, from the director of the private institution of the information and advisory center “Zharyk” A.E.Duissenova, Aktobe, 2018.
  8. Certificate for participation in the First convocation of the chairmen of the Republican Committee on Youth Affairs and the XVI Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan. President of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan I.Tundikbayev. Nur Sultan, 2019.
  9. Certificate for participation in the training course for young speakers on countering religious extremism and terrorism and the formation of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other faiths. Coach U. Turarbekuly. Aktobe, 2019.
  10. She completed professional retraining (450 hours) in the ANO DPO “NADPO” under the program of additional professional education “Family and child psychological counseling. Systemic family psychotherapy”, Russian Federation, Moscow, December 24, 2021.
  11. Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the Board – Rector A.Kaliev for his contribution to the development of the University in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, 2022.
  12. Letter of thanks from the head of the regional Department of Internal Policy, Akimat of Aktobe region, L.Urazbaeva for her great contribution to the formation of a new image of Kazakhstani society and for charitable services for the prosperity of our country, 2022.
  13. A letter of thanks from the head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Aktobe region, E.A. Salamatov, dedicated to December 9 – International Anti-Corruption Day for active participation and special contribution to combating corruption in the region, 2023.


Almahan Altynay Almakhanovna – psychologist

Narimanov Dastan Narimanovitch – psychologist

Kurkbasova Gulden Samatovna – psychologist

Kuletova Ainur Kuanyshovna – sociologist

Asanov Nurlan Adilkhanovich – theologian

History of creation

Since February 2023, the socio-psychological support department has been renamed to the socio-psychological support service.


The main purpose of the Department creation is to provide comprehensive social and psychological support to students and staff of the University.

The main tasks of the department of social and psychological assistance:

  • Psychological support for students and faculty, psychological prevention and control of mental problems;
  • Escort of students from socially vulnerable groups;
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  • Improvement of the socio-psychological climate of students and the staff of the university;
  • Prevention of professional burnout and emotional exhaustion among employees of the university;
  • Creating a favorable social development situation for students;
  • Organization of quality leisure for students aimed at psychological relief and relaxation;


  • Adaptation of 1st year students (including international students);
  • Individual psychological consultation of university employees;
  • Group classes on prevention of professional burnout and emotional exhaustion among university employees;
  • Individual counseling of students of all courses and faculties (including internship, residency and foreign students) on the problems of teaching, development, life and professional self-determination, relationships with adults and peers, self-education, etc.;
  • Advising students on social issues at the university and university dormitories;
  • Keep records of socially vulnerable students and provide them with assistance;
  • Development and implementation of group classes and trainings on psychological issues of students of all courses;
  • Study of the socio-psychological climate in groups and collectives;
  • Research of students’ characteristics, their interests, abilities, inclinations for the purpose of an individual approach in the process of educational work, assistance in professional and personal self-determination;
  • Diagnostics of students’ relationships with adults and peers, identification of psychological causes of communication disorders;

On the basis of the Department of social and psychological support, there is Y-PEER center. The main purpose of the center is protection of the reproductive health among adolescents and young people, as well as the prevention of early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. YPEER-center is available for the visiting of absolutely all students and student associations of the University for conducting thematic events, as well as for free time spending.


Maresyeva Street 68, Western Medical University named after M. Ospanov, building 1, 1st floor, room 110-111.


Head +77058375259;

Psychologist +77716097434;

Sociologist +77058352497;

Theologian +77755475100;

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