Abai’s great poems

A literary and educational event “Қазақ халқы-Абайдың халқы” devoted to 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev was held on the basis of the Regional Children’s Hospital at the Department of Pediatric Surgery.

The activity was organized by interns-pediatricians of 767-768 groups. The occasion was attended by the head of the department Tusupkaliev A.B., professor associate professor, doctor of Medical Sciences Dzhenalaev B.K., professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Dosmagambetov S.P., Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Baubekov Zh.T., assistants of the department Kenzhalina R.A., and Satybaldiev K.Zh.

The main guest of the celebration was the Doctor of Philosophy, professor associate professor, academician of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Taizhanov Altai Taizhanovich.

The event opened with a presentation which is devoted to the life and creativity of Abai Kunanbayev. On this day, the famous works of the poet were sounded in Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, French, Uzbek and Spanish and song by people “Желсіз түнде жарық ай”.

As a feedback, a quiz was held on the knowledge of the biography and creativity of the genius of the Kazakh people. The finale of the evening was the literary marathon with a reading of the excerpt of Abai’s work “Әсемпаз болма әрнеге”.