Personality as an object of study

Senior teachers of the Department of Social-humanitaran Disciplines, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Bekeshova G.U. and Master of Humanitarian Sciences Aitzhanova Zh.Ye., delivered an integrated lecture on the topic “Psychology of Personality and its role in the human science” on the discipline Psychology for students of General Medicine Faculty (113 АB-115 АB).
The Lecture aimed at fostering in students understanding of the concept of personaility, psychic properties of a man, his socialization and role in the system of human sciences.

The Lecture differed from other lectures in that the topic has been considered in the intersection of the two humanitarian sciences “Psychology” and “Sociology”.

CCPD Expert, Associate professor, c.p.s., Bashbayeva M.A. and teaching staff of the Department attended and expressed appreciations to the lecture.