“Seven skills of creative people” training

For the development of the program “Bolashak Badrum: Rouhani gear” currently, there are special projects that have been issued in accordance with the program of the President “Bolashakka Bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru”.
One of the most important of them is the “New humanitarian direction. 100 new textbooks”. Under the project, a specialist of the Department for youth Affairs of WKMOMU Zhalenova Akzhunis Meiirkhanovna conducted a training among students on the topic: “Seven skills of creative people” by the teacher and life management consultant Stephen Covey from America.

The main goal of the training is to understand systematically for goals and priorities of students and determine how to develop their leadership potential.

The training was conducted by the head of the Department of educational projects of control center “Rukhani zhangyru” program Makhanova Aiman Galimovna. Students took answers to their questions and to find ways to overcome various difficulties in life, forward to knowledges and innovations.

Students was presented with special certificates.