Marat Ospanov: Teacher. Politician, Scientist

In the framework of the state program «Ruhani zhangyru» and the 70th anniversary of the Chairman of the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the first convocation, doctor of economic sciences, professor Marat Ospanov, department of «Social and humanitarian disciplines» in conjunction with the staff of school-gymnasium №2 was held a scientific and educational event «Marat Ospanov: Teacher. Politician, Scientist».

Given the circumstances, the event was held in the online mode. Although it was originally planned that the department will visit the school where Marat Ospanov studied. Doctor of philosophy, Professor A. T. Taizhanov opened the event with an introductory speech. He touched upon the life and political path of Marat Ospanov, his contribution to the social, economic and political development of our country. Senior teacher B.A. Moldin in his report noted the events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of a prominent state and public figure, which were attended by relatives and friends of the figure, students, and teaching staff. Anniversary events at the University were held from October 28 to November 1, 2019. Senior lecturer of the department Shamshi Bauyrzhan Isaevich focused on the analysis of political heritage, clearly indicating the fulfilled political and socio-economic forecasts of M. Ospanov.

Marat Ospanov’s wife – Bakhyt Ospanova, shared details of personal life and other interesting facts. She answered the questions of the participants in detail and in an interesting way. According to Bakhyt Akhmetkalievna, all these years they were united not only by family interests, but also by years of cooperation when it was necessary to support their husband.
In addition, Vice-rector attended the event on educational and academical affairs work, doctor of medical sciences, K. E. Ismagulova, the staff of the grammar school №2, headed by Saniya Danisheva, deputy director of the Regional library named after S. Baisheva Bakytgul Sabaeva, university faculty and students.

The event was summed up by the head of the department of «Social and humanitarian disciplines», candidate of historical Sciences Zh.T. Tolepbergeni, noting that Marat Turdybekovich quickly entered politics during perestroika and became known as a staunch fighter for changes in the sphere of economy and politics.
The event was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, where everyone could speak about a worthy person, citizen and patriot – Marat Ospanov.