In the framework of the state program «Ruhani zhangyru», 1150-th anniversary of the great thinker al-Farabi and the 150-th anniversary of the poet and philosopher Abai Kunanbayev, the department of «Social and humanitarian disciplines» was held the Republican scientific seminar “Spirituality of the great Steppe: from al-Farabi to Abai”.
In the seminar, presentations were made by the deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy, political science and religious studies of NAS RK doctor of philosophy,professor S. E. Nurmuratov, head of the chair “philosophy” faculty “Philosophy and science” KazNU named after al-Farabi, doctor of philosophy, professor G. Zh. Nurysheva, head of the Department “Philosophy” of Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin, candidate of philosophical science, associate professor E. E. Mukhanbetkaliyev, professor of “Social-political sciences” Atyrau state university named by Kh. Dosmukhamedov doctor of philosophy O. K. Bekezhan and professor of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU A. T. Taizhanov.

The event, which was held on the ZOOM platform, was moderated by the senior lecturer of the department, master of political science B. A. Moldin. The seminar with republican participation was opened by the report of doctor of philosophy, professor A. T. Taizhanov “Spiritual intertwining and trends of wisdom of thinkers of the great Steppe”. Then the floor was taken by professor S. E. Nurmuratov with the report “Spirituality as a phenomenon” and doctor of science, professor G. Zh. Nurysheva who focused on the project “Smart city” dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of al-Farabi, associate professor E. E. Mukanbetkaliev dwelt on the political and social significance of Abai’s “Words of edification”, doctor of philosophy, O. K. Bekezhan shared about new methods of popularizing Abai’s works. The faculty and students who participated in the event emphasized a lot of new things for themselves. Especially students of the faculty of “General medicine” Abyzova L, Asylbek A, Berikkyzy L, Abutalip N. showed activity and asked questions to the speakers.

The event was also attended by the Vice-rector attended the event on educational and academical affairs work, doctor of medical sciences, K. E. Ismagulova, teachers of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov, S. Baishev AU, Marat Ospanov ZKMU, specialists of the department for youth affairs.

The head of the department of «Social and humanitarian disciplines», candidate of historical sciences Zh.T. Tolepbergeni and senior teacher B. I. Shamshi summed up the event, noting the importance of the event and thanking the participants of this seminar.

Within the framework of the organized event, important points of the significance of the works of Al-Farabi and Abay were touched upon, as well as the importance of continuing this kind of educational events.