May 31 in Kazakhstan is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression and Famine, we cannot forget this difficult time, we just need to remember!
This memorable date was dedicated to the educational event “Politics and Fates”, organized by senior teachers of the department of social sciences and humanities B.A. Moldin and G.S. 101, 102.
The main goal of the educational hour is to reliably inform the younger generation about some historical moments of our country, to objectively evaluate distorted data about those unfortunate times, and to prevent the recurrence of such a tragedy in our future.

Students of L. Abyzova, A. Dovletova, A. Қabdolmazhit demonstrated substantial reports on the difficult years of repression of the Kazakh people associated with the imperial approach during the tsarist period and the Soviet period. The role of the Kazakh intelligentsia in protecting the interests of people faced with a difficult fate was also emphasized.
The head of the department of social sciences and humanities Zh.T. Tolepbergeni and senior teachers B.I. Shamshi, G.U. Bekeshova, A.K. Mukhambetgalieva noted the importance of such curatorial watches for modern students.

The people of Kazakhstan carefully preserve the memory of human destinies in times of brutal terror. And the lessons of the past oblige us to guard the civil world in society. We are not able and not entitled to rewrite the history of our country, in which there were not only victories and accomplishments. It is with great regret that we have to admit that it also contained dark pages, which we must remember so that they never happen again. We bow to the memory of those who are not with us today, who were innocently condemned and expelled from their native land. Eternal memory to the victims of political repression! Let us love and value our Motherland and live under a peaceful sky!