A regular meeting was held under the Zoom program by SSO “Histologist” of histology department in WKMU named after Marat Ospanov

The Histology Department of WKMU named after Marat Ospanov in accordance with approved research (SSRW) plan held a regular meeting of the SSO “Histologist” on the Zoom program.
The purpose of the next meeting of the SSO “Histologist” was to hear and discuss the student’s reports , prepared in accordance with the plan. Description of modern light microscopes and mircopreparations made on the topics of students in the “Morphological laboratory” of the since – research direction of the Histology Department. The head of the Department of histology, Ph. D Zh. E. Komekbay, professor – teaching staff, 1, 2 courses students of faculty “General medicine” took part in the regular meeting of the SSO “Histologist”. 3 reports were presented at the meeting.

Topic of the 1st report : “The effect of dysbacteriosis on the lymphoid nodes of the intestinal mucosa”. Speaker: student of 217B group of the faculty of ” General medicine ” Makhambetaliyev Abay. Scientific supervisor: academician of the national Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of medicine, T. Zh. Umbetov,
Topic of the 2nd report: “Air-Permeable pathways of the lungs (literary review)”.

Reporter: students group 213A of the faculty “General medicine” Zharylgas Gauhar, Kanat Gulnur. Scientific supervisor: teacher, m.m.s. A. E. Ahaeva.
Topic of the 3rd report: “The Microscope and the history of its origin. Types of microscope (literature review)”. Speaker: student of group 104B of the faculty of General medicine Tanirbergenovna Ademi. Scientific supervisor: teacher T. I. Sermagambetova.

Head of the Department of histology, Ph. D. Zh.E. Komekbay noted that the report on the effect of dysbacteriosis on the lymphoid nodes of the small intestine aroused interest. In the report on the literary review of the airways of the lung and in the report on the history of the microscope and its types, it was said that there is not enough direction. Associate professor of the Histology Department , PhD G. A. Temirova told the speakers about the need for further development of work with modern literature.

At the next meeting of the SSO “Histologist” of the Department of histology, held under the Zoom program, the speakers spoke about the impact of dysbacteriosis on the intestinal lymphoid nodes, conducted a literary review of the аirways of the lungs and the history and types of the microscope. Students noted that further research projects will continue in practice, using new microscopy methods in the “Morphological laboratory” of the since – research direction of the Department of histology.

Students asked questions from teachers and other students. The questions were fully answered. The head of the Department, PhD Zh. E. Komekbay, associate professor, PhD Egemberdieva R. E., associate Professor, PhD G. A. Temirova, senior teacher, m.m.s. A. K. Berdalinova made suggestions and expressed gratitude to the speakers.