Courses of lectures within the strategic partnership with PUMS

In the framework of strategic partnership with the Poznan University of Medical Sciences from June 8 to July 9 lectures were held in accordance with the task “1B.3) Development of the program of academic mobility of teachers of the WKSMU and partnering University” of the Terms of Reference.
In connection with the global coronavirus pandemic the lectures were held online on Microsoft Teams platform. After registration in the program, WKMOMU staff could listen to the lectures they were interested in.

Lectures were given by:
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Wysocki (Pediatrics)
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Krawczyński (Clinical genetics)
Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Dworacki (Pathomorfology)
Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Banasiewicz (Surgery)
Prof. dr hab. Maria Iskra (Clinical biochemistry A)
Dr hab. Dorota Formanowicz (Clinical biochemistry B)
Mgr Bożena Raducha (Internal solutions regulating mobility. Mobility management)