Online training on flow cytometry from PUMS experts

In the framework of strategic partnership with the Poznan University of Medical Sciences from 1 to 10 September online training “Flow cytometry in practice – Part 1” was held in accordance with the task “1C.1)
Assistance in establishment of research laboratories through training of the employees and provision of methodological support with subsequent implementation” of the Terms of Reference.
In connection with the global coronavirus pandemic training was conducted online on Microsoft Teams platform.
Classes leader: Magdalena Frydrychowicz, PhD.

On the basis of the PUMS’s Immunology Laboratory, a demonstration of how to properly prepare biological material for analysis on flow cytometry was conducted. Moreover, PUMS employees made a training film “Flow cytometry”.
Also, under the guidance of PUMS specialists, a practical demonstration of the obtained knowledge was carried out online by K.V. Baktikulova on the basis of the WKMOMU’s Cell laboratory.