Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of professor Zholdin

International scientific and practical online conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor B.K. Zholdin took place within the walls of the West Kazakhstan Marat OspanovMedical University.
Almost 500 doctors and teachers of medical universities in Kazakhstan and abroad took part in it.
The official organizers of the conference on the topic: “Comorbid conditions in patients with cardiovascular pathology: difficulties in diagnosis and treatment, were the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University»and the Association of Cardiologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Chairman of the Board – Rector of Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University», Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Murat Teleuov congratulated the hero of the day, spoke about the huge contribution of Professor BekbolatZholdin to the development of the cardiological service in Western Kazakhstan and wished him many years of fruitful scientific work.
The rector presented BekbolatKulzhanovich with the national award the medal “Altyn Adam”, the certificate of the Ministry of Science and Knowledge of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Academy “Altyn Globus”, confirming that the name of professorZholdin B.K. included in the republican encyclopedia “Famous personalities” and a memorable gift.
On behalf of the akim of the Baiganinsky region KairatUtarov, the hero of the day was presented with a congratulatory letter, a badge “Honorary citizen of the Baiganinsky region”, a memorable gift.

AlsoBekbolatKulzhanovich was congratulated by Vice-Rector for Teaching and Educational Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor ElnaraIsmagulova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeuticsof Internal Medicine GazizaSmagulova, heads of departments and departments.
For all employees of the West Kazakhstan Marat OspanovMedical University, this forum became a significant event, as it allowed to unite cardiologists and other specialists in the field of internal medicine, to share experience and certain scientific achievements in the field of internal medicine.
Lecturers from seven leading medical universities in Russia and four universities in Kazakhstan made reports at the conference.
Within the framework of the scientific and practical conference, virtual rooms were organized for conducting master classes of applied value in such areas as neurology, endocrinology, cardiology.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the organization of such conferences provides an opportunity not only for the exchange of views between like-minded people, but also for obtaining up-to-date information on various sections of internal medicine, establishing direct scientific contacts between scientists from Kazakhstan and abroad, allowing to improve the diagnosis and treatment of complex patients with comorbid states.