In the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” a competition for the title “The best teacher of the university” is announced

The competition is open to the teaching staff of the university (full-time teachers) who have continuous scientific and pedagogical experience of at least five years at the time of submission of documents to the Competition, and high achievements in pedagogical and scientific activities in order to encourage and support them.

The purpose of the competition is to increase the professional and pedagogical culture of the teaching staff of the university (hereinafter – the teaching staff), the level of educational, methodological and educational work, stimulate the activity of the scientific potential of the teaching staff by creating favorable conditions for professional self-realization, increasing motivation for further professional development of teachers.


Teachers who have submitted the following documents are allowed to participate in the competition:

1.1 Information according to the qualitative and quantitative indicators with confirmation documents (Appendix 1).

1.2 Application form for participation in the competition for the title “The best teacher of the university” (Appendix 2).

1.3 Annual work schedule (Appendix 3).

1.4 Recommendation from leading scientists, the head of the department.

1.5 Personal sheet of personnel records, certified at the place of work.

1.6 Copy of the identification card.

1.7 Intra-university competition is held in 2 stages:

Stage 1 – nomination of candidates for the title “The best teacher of the department” from each faculty by October 10 of the current year;

Stage 2 – nomination of candidates for the title “The best teacher of the University” from among the selected applicants of the 1st stage from each faculty by October 20 of the current year;

1.8. Documents are submitted on paper in hardcover with continuous numbering and with indication of personal e-mail to the Personnel Development Department, room 103. Contact phones: work. 8 (7172) 55-20-58, mob. 8-778-1237563. Email: [email protected].

Regulations on the competition “The best teacher of the university”, as well as all the Applications specified in the Requirements for applicants for participation in the competition are posted on the official website of the university, and also sent to all heads of departments via the WhatsApp messenger.

  1. Regulations on the competition “The best teacher of the university”
  2. (Appendix 1)
  3. (Appendix 2)
  4. (Appendix 3)
  5. (Appendix 4)