Online-course for postdocs of WKMOMU from PUMS

Within the framework of task 1C.3) «Support to organization of post-doctoral studies to be hosted by the partnering University»of the Contract No. SHlP-2.3/CS-02 “Consulting services on modernization of education system in medicine.
Strategic partnership for modernization of academic programs including the “Oncology: oncological laboratory diagnostics” and “Clinical pharmacology” was held the online course for PhD of WKMOMU in the period from 09.09.2020 to 02.10.2020 under the guidance of experts from Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Experts of the university-strategic partner conducted the course of lectures and seminars “Preparation of postdocs to play a role of the scientific leaders at the WKMOMU” for 7 PhD of our university.Our participants took online modules “The researcher and the data: from question to answer”, “Principles of laboratory diagnostics in medical research”, “Bioethical committee and good research practice”, “Molecular investigations in scientific research”, “Methodology for preparing, implementing and reporting research projects”, “Publication process – from idea till post-review process”.

The lectures presented by PUMS experts combined a discussion of theoretical foundations and study of real examples. The acquired knowledge and practical skills are assessed by the participants of the online course as useful, and their implementation in the future scientific activity of postdocs is