Results of the problem commission meeting

In the period from 18 to 20 January 2021, a problem commission chaired by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.E. Nurgalieva worked at the university.
During the work of the commission, interim and final reports on research work of the teaching staff within the framework of intra-university grant funding for 2020 were discussed and approved. The project managers presented reports on the work done, indicated the goals, objectives, practical significance of the study, output data (publications, acts of implementation, methodological recommendations, etc.).

Eleven works were successfully completed based on the results of expert assessment. Among them are the projects: “Genetic study of Duchenne myodystrophy in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Ayaganov D.N., “Evaluation of adapted physical education and nutrition programs for young people with iron deficiency anemia living in the Aral Sea region” Abitova A.Zh., “Development of a Handbook on the toxicology of chemicals at enterprises for the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons” Mamyrbaev A.A. and etc.

The members of the problem committee gave recommendations for further publication in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. By the decision of the expert commission, 10 research projects were approved for further funding and are continuing their research, including “The role of cytokine gene polymorphism in the development and prognosis of acute pancreatitis in the Kazakh population: analysis of intergenic interactions” (project manager T.A. Dzharkenov), ” Optimization of methods of surgical interventions in the complex treatment of neuroischemic and ischemic forms of diabetic foot syndrome “(project manager Zhakiev B.S.),” Molecular genetic aspects of obesity in the ethnic population of Kazakhs “(project manager Kudabaeva H.I.),” Determination of the content of pathological proteins in biopsy of the skin of patients with neurodegenerative diseases in order to develop an algorithm for differential diagnosis with clinically similar diseases “(project manager A. Utepkalieva),” The role of trace element status, DNA damage in the development of oncopathology (by the example of Aktobe region) “(project manager G. Batyrova) ), “Features of the influence of polymorph The study of the vitamin D and D-vitamin deficiency receptor gene on the course and outcomes of bronchial asthma in children “(project manager Zh.B. Dosimov),” Clinical and genetic markers of vitamin D status in newborns and young children in the Kazakh population “(project manager Zhumalina A.K.), “Genetic factors of predisposition of viral infectious hepatitis in the Kazakh population of Western Kazakhstan and the cytokine profile of patients in the process of antiviral therapy” (project manager M.S. Kurmangazin), “Biomedical aspects of the combined effect of chromium compounds and ionizing radiation on the body (experimental study ) “(project manager M.K. Iztleuov),” Development of scientific foundations for the introduction of selective screening for hereditary metabolic diseases by tandem mass spectrometry “(project manager G.M. Zharmakhanova).

Suggestions and recommendations were given for each project. In the process of implementing these projects, a lot of scientific products were published, including articles in foreign publications with an impact factor and in Kazakhstani publications, titles of protection, acts of implementation.