“The Best Young Specialist-2020”

In order to popularize among teachers the program article of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru”, the national innovative research center “Bilim Orkeniyeti” of Nur-Sultan city held the republican contest “The Best Young Specialist-2020”.
The competition was held in an online format, depending on the current situation. The competition was attended by about 400 applicants from all over the country. Only 190 applicants qualified for the 2nd round of the competition.
Terms of the competition: Round
1. A brief autobiography about yourself and writing a thesis about the place of study or work.
2: writing an article on the topic “Bolashakka bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru”.
The winner of the competition was the assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 2, Master of Medical Sciences Akhmetzhanova Moldir Bekmaganbetovna. The management, who presented the opportunity to take part in the competition, was presented with a letter of Thanks to the Chairman of the Management Board-Rector of Teleuov Murat Koishibaevich. Moldir Bekmaganbetovna was awarded a Diploma of the 1st degree, a badge and a certificate “The best young specialist-2020”. He was also included in the collection “The best young Specialist-2020”.

In our article ” education in this direction of educated, purposeful, striving for wakefulness youth-our noble duty..!” we want to wish our colleague that your achievements were high!