Best report

Master’s student of the specialty “Medical and Preventive Business” Asel Isaldinova took first place in the XII Russian (final) scientific and practical competition-conference with international participation of students and young scientists “AVICENNA-2021” on the online platform in Novosibirsk.The conference was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor L.D. Sidorova.During the program of the event, the speaker Asel Isaldinova presented data on the incidence rate and its prognosis among the population of Aktobe, obtained during the implementation of the project with grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of an online atlas” Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan “(IRN AP08855535) … Scientific advisers of the undergraduate: PhD Batyrova G.A., Ph.D. Urazaeva S.T. The work of Asel Isaldinova was recognized as the best, the author took the first prize.