The great Patriotic war in the history of our country and my family!

The staff of the Department of social-humanitarian disciplines of the West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after M. Ospanov with pedagogical activity helps to develop the foundations of the Kazakhstan patriotism, formation of a sense of pride in national history, respect and preservation of the historical continuity of generations, as well as to increase the interest of students to the national history, a commemoration of the Victory.Thus, under the guidance of the teachers of the department (Zh.T. Tolepbergeni, M.M. Knissarinа, B.I. Shamshi, G.M. Ertukeshovа), students were prepared to participate in the republican competition of student works among the universities of the country, dedicated to the theme “The Great Patriotic War in the history of my family”, organized by the Department of Social Disciplines of the Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev. Scientific and creative cooperation between the departments of the two universities is planned to continue, as it contributes to the development of the professional potential of specialists and joint scientific, educational and creative projects.

On May 6, 2021, on the eve of the celebration of the Great Victory Day, the results of this republican competition were summed up:1. The diploma of the II degree was received by Yarova Aruzhan Aslankyzy, a 1st-year student of the specialty “General Medicine”, who presented her creative work on the theme “The Great Patriotic War in the history of my family”.2. Diplomas of the third degree were awarded to 1st-year students of the specialty “General Medicine” – Dinara Sarsimbayeva, who presented her lyric work” It was the time of the rebellious War…” and Nargiza Galimovna Bekesova with her story on “The Great Patriotic War in the history of my family”.3. Diplomas for active participation were awarded to: Diana Batyrbekkyzy Zhumabayeva, a 1st-year student of the specialty “General Medicine”, who dedicated the poem” Maidan “of her own composition to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War – Kaisarov Temirbulat Sunalyuly; Zhannur Nurbekkyzy Onbergenova, a 2nd – year student of the specialty” General Medicine”, who described the difficult history of the veteran of the Great Patriotic War – Kulmash Nauryzbayev.