Holders of the grant for scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021
As a result of the competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 with a implementation period of 12 months, 4 projects were approved from our university.In the priority area of “Life and Health Science”, the following projects received positive approval from the National Science Council (NSC):”Features of metabolism and the state of bone mineral density in adolescent girls with primary dysmenorrhea” (AP09563004). The scientific director of the project is Associate Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology, PhD Amanzholkyzy Ainur.

“Clinical and genetic markers of D vitamin status in children under one year of the Kazakh population” (AP09563003). Scientific director of the project head of the Department of Children’s hospitals No. 1 with neonatology, MD Zhumalina Akmaral Kanashevna.

“Improving geriatric and gerontological care in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (AP09562783). Scientific director of the project Head of the Department of Public Health and Public Health, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yermukhanova Lyudmila Sergeevna.

In the priority area of “Research in education and science”, the following project received positive approval from the National Science Council (NSC):”Assessment of the level of anxiety in high school students in general education schools in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic” (AP09562200). Research supervisor: Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, PhD Knissarina Malika Maksatovna.

At the moment, our university has 8 projects on grant funding of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is the result of a large and cohesive work of the administration and the teaching staff.On behalf of the entire university, we would like to congratulate all the grant holders and wish them fruitful work and good results!