Caution! Coronavirus!

On November 15, 2021, the senior teacher of the Department of Languages Aldasheva G.B. organized an educational hour “Caution! Coronavirus!” through remote video communicationsvia the Zoom application.
The whole world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic, a significant part of the path has already been passed. Currently, Aktobe region is in the “green” zone, which is undoubtedly a good thing. But there are still regions in the country that remain in the “red” and “yellow” zones. The organizers of the event thought it would be worthwhile to familiarize our students once again with measures to prevent coronavirus infection and promote proper hygienic education. This determined the purpose of the educational hour. After all, we know the proverb “Forewarned is forearmed”.
Students of the 203 A,B group of the faculty “General Medicine” took an active partin the event. Russian language teachers Tatanova L.T. and Shershneva A.N. attended the event as guests.
Sagingaliev Nurkhan, Mendibekova Aisha, Gilazhedenov Dias, Myrzakhmetova Zhuldyzai, Kozhageldin Diaz and Alpysbay Aida presented information on the topic, accompanied by a slide presentation. The meeting participants were provided with information about the origin and symptoms of the disease, how not to get infected with the coronavirus and how not to infect others, and also the students were shown videos: “How COVID-19 spreads”, “Use the mask correctly!”, “What is the difference between Coronavirus and Flu?”, “Positive test for Coronavirus. What to do?”.At the end of the event, Nurkhan Sagingaliev held an interactive quiz for 2 teams from among the participants to consolidate the received information.
As a result of the meeting, we formulated a conclusion: in the country in the fight against COVID-19, all the necessary measures are being taken, but a lot depends on each of us. Together, we can defeat the coronavirus.