Competition of creative works

The Republic an competition of creative works “To be a patriot of your Motherland means to carry Kazakhstan in your heart” was organized and held on the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in November 5-15, 2021 on the basis of the Department of Russian Language and Culture, Karaganda Technical University. It is symbolic that the competition was held exactly in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Aims and objectives of the competition were the formation of feelings of patriotism, citizenship and tolerance, involvement in the history of the country, instilling pride in their country and the leader of the nation.
The competition participants were the university and college students of Kazakhstan from KazNU named after al-Farabi (Almaty), KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov (Almaty), Astana International University (Nur-Sultan), Eurasian Humanitarian Institute (Nur-Sultan), Kazakh-American University (Nur-Sultan), Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov, Karaganda Medical University (Karaganda), Kazakhmys Corporation Polytechnic College (Balkhash). Students of the Marat Ospanov WKMU also took an active part.
The total number of competition works was 187, of which 121 works were in Russian, 66 works were in the state language.
The results of the competition were as follows:
works in Russian
1-st place:
Kamila Rakhmetullaeva (supervisor: Shershneva A.N.), Marat Ospanov WKMU (Aktobe);
2-nd place:
Anuar Medetov (supervisor: Timokhina T.V.), KTU (Karaganda);
Alua Omirzak (supervisor: Lamanova A.S.), Medical University of Karaganda (Karaganda).
3-rd place:
Dinara Zhalelova (supervisor: Azimbaeva Zh.A.), KTU (Karaganda);
Rauan Maral (supervisor: Ivanova S.A.), KarTU (Karaganda).
workin the state language
1-st place:
Dilnaz Talapova (supervisor: Kairakbayeva G.S.), KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov (Almaty);
2-nd place:
Aruana Zhanasykova (supervisor: Zhapparova K.Zh.), Polytechnic college of corporation “Kazakhmys” (Balkhash city);
Zeynep Meiramkali (supervisor: Kairakbaeva G.S.), KazNU named after al-Farabi (Almaty);
3-rd place:
Zhanbota Elubay (supervisor: Dokuchaeva N.V.), KTU (Karaganda);
Akmarzhan Sembekova (supervisor: KishenovaA.Yu.), KTU (Karaganda).
The competition committee has identified the best works in three nominations:
Nomination “For originality and creativity”
- Akbota Myrzageldi ( KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty)
- Nargiz Rakhimova (MU Astana, Nur-Sultan)
- Artyom Dietler (Polytechnic college of corporation “Kazakhmys”, Balkhash)
Nomination “For writing style and integrity of presentation”
- Symbat Zholdybaeva ( Marat Ospanov WKMU, Aktobe).
- Zayra Kabepova (Astana International University, Nur-Sultan).
- Bektas Zabdolla (KTU, Karaganda).
Best argumentation nomination
- Aruzhan Baltabaeva ( Marat Ospanov WKMU, Aktobe).
- Nargiz Rakhimova (Astana International University, Nur-Sultan).
- Ayim Ushimova ( KTU, Karaganda).
It is pleasant to note the worthy participation of our students! It would be nice to draw attention to the teachers who prepared the students for the competition: A.N. Shershneva and senior teacher K.A. Zhubanazarova. Senior teacher G.B. Aldasheva received a letter of appreciation for being jury in the Republican Competition of creative works.
Congratulations to our award-winning students and faculty in this competition! Wishing you further success in your creativity!