“Visiting – professors” showed the effectiveness

The Visiting-professors program and the academic mobility of students, the faculty which allows to introduce the best international practices, to expand professional, pedagogical and clinical knowledge and skills, to conduct collateral development and realization of the design ideas are actively implemented in the WKMU named after Marat Ospanov. Highly qualified foreign specialists are involved for pedagogical experience exchange at all levels of tutoring in the university.
So, from December 06 to December 10, 2021 students of department of a therapeutic and orthopedic odontology had an opportunity to listen to lectures of the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Dol E. I on the cycle “Endodontics” from the Kharkiv National Medical University of the Republic of Ukraine. Lectures were given with a vnedereniye of IT technologies Kahoot, Telegram. Associate professor Dolya Eduard Igorevich shared his knowledge with students after conducting lecture on the subject called “Concept of a Bioattachment and Biofilm”.