National health development

As noted in the Message of President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the People of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2020 the further development of domestic healthcare, a branch of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov was established in Atyrau region with the support of the Akimat of Atyrau region and the Health Department of Atyrau region.
The opening ceremony on the basis of Atyrau Higher Medical College on December 24, 2021 was attended by the heads of Atyrau Higher Medical College and medical organizations of Atyrau region, as well as resident doctors and their mentors. Bayduvaliev Askhan Marhabaevich, Head of the Health Department of Atyrau region, and Ismagulova Elnara Kereevna, MD, Acting Chairman-Rector of the Board of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, made a welcoming speech and wished the branch success.
Head of the Health Department of Atyrau region Bayduvaliev Askhan Marhabaevich and Acting Chairman of the Board of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elnara Ismagulova cut the ribbon of the opening of the Atyrau branch of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University. After the ceremony, heads of medical organizations, residents and mentors visited the museum of Atyrau Higher Medical College with the history of the college, an interactive anatomical table “Pirogov” and a Simulation training center for the development of nursing, equipped with the latest equipment and robotic mannequins, inspected the work of the intensive care unit, got acquainted with the material and technical base of Atyrau Higher Medical College and continued the conference.
The chief physician of Atyrau Regional Children’s Hospital Aitmukhambetov Nurkabyl Abuovich, chief physician of Atyrau City Maternity Hospital Gulzeynep Dusupova Suyungalievna, Acting Chief physician of Atyrau Regional Hospital No. 2 Yergaliyeva Nadia Atshigalievna, Kadyrov Zhangeldy Yesenzhanovich, resuscitator-anesthesiologist of Atyrau region, resident doctor Dzhaylaubaeva Fariza Yerbolovna made speeches, shared their thoughts and asked questions to Elnara Kereevna Ismagulova, Acting Chairman of the Board of the Rector of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University.
In conclusion, the head of the Health Department of Atyrau region Bayduvaliev Askhan Marhabaevich thanked Elnara Kereevna and the conference participants, Director of Atyrau Higher Medical College Laura Zhaksygeldievna, who organized the opening ceremony of the Atyrau branch of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University. The Department of Health, medical organizations and resident doctors will work closely together to contribute to the development of medicine in the country.