Blossom, blossom Kazakhstan!

On October 19, 2022, the educational event “Blossom, Blossom Kazakhstan” dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Department of Languages. This event was organized by Maykupova R.N. and Sapakhova Zh.A. in foreign groups 229 and 230 AB of the Faculty of General Medicine.
The purpose of the event is to enrich students’ knowledge about the Republic of Kazakhstan, develop interest in the history of the country in which they study. The event began with a greeting and performance of the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A video clip was shown to all the guests and participants of the meeting, where the celebration of the Republic Day on October 25 was officially announced.
Students talked about the beauty of nature, climate, mountains, picturesque places of Kazakhstan. Also, poems about the boundless expanses, wide jailau, about the batyrs and heroes of the vast land of Kazakhstan were read in Russian. Students Samiuddin, Shazarin, Nuseiba performed the song “Мы желаем счастья вам!”.
Of particular interest was the quiz “Do you know Kazakhstan?”. The slides depicted the state symbols of the coat of arms, flag, as well as a map of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the capital Astana, tulips. The students answered the questions correctly and commented on their answers.
In his video presentation “My Homeland is India”, student Zishan Raza presented the life, culture, historical places, folk traditions of India. Student Danish showed photos and told about a large and friendly family, and also expressed gratitude to fellow students that he feels in the group as in his family and read a poem in his native language.
At the end of the meeting, all students sang the song “May there always be sunshine”. The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The students were overwhelmed with a sense of pride, love for their second homeland – Kazakhstan!