«Жасай бер, жаңа Қазақстан!»

On the eve of the state holiday, the Republic Day, teachers of the department of languages hold festive educational events. On October 19, 2022, teachers of the department of languages A.S. Akieva, L.E. Yegizbaeva. and Nurseitova B.U. organized and held a special event «Жасай бер, жаңа Казахстан!».
Musical performances were presented to the attention of the guests: patriotic songs, national dances, poems dedicated to the Republic of Kazakhstan. Virtuoso performance of Kazakh cues on dombra and kobyz made a big impression on the guests of the event.
Dean of the faculty “General medicine” T.S. Abilov, teaching staff, head of the department of languages Mustoyapova A.S. noted the importance of holding such events with the aim of instilling patriotism in students, developing interest to the history of the country, and fostering feelings of citizenship and love for the native land.
1st year students of the faculties “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, and Public Health took part in the event .