Cooperation within the framework of academic mobility

From October 31 to November 4, 2022, the head of the Department of Psychology, Candidate of medical sciences Alua I. Miraleyeva, within the framework of the academic mobility program, conducted a series of lectures and practical classes for students of the Tashkent State Dental Institute in an online format. So, at the Department of therapeutic subjects No. 3 for 4th-year students of the Faculty of Dentistry and 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Medicine, as well as at the Department of Uzbek language and Pedagogy for 2nd-year of the Faculty of Dentistry, lectures were given on the topic “Communicative competence of a doctor. The role of communicative competence in improving the quality of medical care”, “Basic communication skills. Active listening”, “Verbal and nonverbal communication. Empathy. Emotional intelligence”, “Communication skills in palliative care. Breaking bad news”, “Compliance. Classification. Ways to improve compliance. Conflicts in medical organizations”.
During the practical classes, the doctor-patient communication skills were practiced. Head of the Department of subjects of therapeutic direction No. 3 , Doctor of medical sciences. Sultanov Shahrukh Khabibullayevich and the head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Pedagogy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Akramova Lola Yunusovna, noted the relevance and importance of communication skills for the professional competence of a doctor and expressed gratitude to Alua Miraleyeva with the hope of continuing professional cooperation between our universities.