Announcement of the events of December

December is the last month of the year, completing the set goals and summarizing the results.
An important event will be the opening of the Center for Best Practices at the Family Medicine Clinic. Preparatory work lasted for more than a year: the necessary structures were created to improve activities, including preventive orientation, and the material base was strengthened. The experts of the National Association “RNS” made an invaluable contribution to the professional training of medical and pedagogical personnel, social workers, a psychologist and a specialist in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the organization and implementation of innovative methods in practice, according to international standards.
The long-awaited delivery to the University Medical Center of 2 mobile mobile complexes equipped with modern computed tomography, an expert-class ultrasound machine, and a digital mammograph.
Completion of construction and commissioning of a warm garage for mobile mobile complexes.
The construction of an extension to the Medical Center to accommodate classrooms continues.
Completion of repair work in the oncorehabilitation department, designed for 20 beds and installation of new equipment, the operation of which is scheduled from January 1, 2024.
With the completion of the repair work, the day hospital (20 beds) will be relocated with the installation of functional beds, to a more convenient room for outpatient patients to receive cytostatic therapy. The transfer of a day hospital will allow saving time for patients, without the need to go to the department, timely treatment. The opening of the cytostatic dilution room and the hospital pharmacy department after the completion of repair work.
The creation of such an office next to the day hospital will save time for the start of treatment of the patient, increase the safety of medical staff working directly with chemotherapy drugs, and save medicines.
The purpose of opening the department of hospital pharmacy is to create a systematic, safe, rational and effective use of medicines, optimized management of this process. But the month of December is characterized not only by the completion and implementation of the planned plans, but also by important holiday dates.
December 16 is a public holiday — Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
December 31 — the end of 2023 and the beginning of the New Year 2024!
These are the plans and events of December 2023.