Postdoctoral Competition
NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” announces the Competition for postdoctoral studies (1 place). The beginning of applications acceptance on December 19, 2023, the end of acceptance on January 16, 2024.
Mandatory requirements and procedure for implementation of professional scientific programs of postgraduate education on training of postdoctoral students in WKMOMU and the procedure for admission to postdoctoral studies is determined by the Regulations on postdoctoral studies (on the university’s website section Education Postdoctoral researcher
The competition committee for the selection of applicants for postdoctoral studies will work from January 18 to January 26, 2024 year.
On the basis of the decision of the competition committee the order of the Rector of the University on enrollment is issued for the winner of the competition within 3 calendar days and the contract of services for the performance of certain works within the framework of the research project is concluded.
Within one month from the moment of enrollment, the order of the Rector of the University on the petition of the Academic Council approves a scientific advisor who meets the requirements.