“On conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks in the “West Kazakhstan Medical University M.Ospanov”

Based on the Implementation of TBN №4, approved by the First Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan to combat corruption schedule of internal analysis of corruption risks (hereinafter referred to as IACR) in subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan defined March 2024.
In pursuance of the road map in NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University (hereinafter referred to as the University) from February 28, 2024 is scheduled to begin conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks. It is recommended to conduct an internal analysis of corruption risks in a period not exceeding 30 working days.
The main purpose of the IACR is to identify and study the causes and conditions contributing to the commission of corruption offenses at the University.
The internal analysis of corruption risks at the University is conducted by a working group established by the decision (Order) of the Chairman of the Board-Rector.
The main areas of corruption risk analysis are: Analysis of legal acts and internal documents regulating the University and its organizational and management activities for the presence of corruption risks.
Heads of structural units and employees of the University to assist the working group to identify and eliminate corruption risks.
Compliance Officer R. Sugralin