Pre-selection of the academic year for doctoral studies for 2024-2025

The Center for Master’s, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies announces the preliminary selection of applicants for doctoral studies in groups of educational programs D141 “Medicine”, D139 “Public Health” and D151 “Nursing Science” of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU, which will be held at meetings of the problem commissions from April 8 to 15, 2024. Applicants must submit presentations and annotations of planned research papers.

The Commission will evaluate the work heard according to five criteria on a four-point scale, according to the approved evaluation sheet for the presentation of the planned dissertation. The results of the pre-selection for training in the educational programs of the doctoral program are admission or non-admission to the entrance exams.

Full information: Aktobe, 68 Maresyeva str., No. 2 academic building, 4th floor, 408-office. Detailed information is available on the university’s website or by phone 8-771-844-7928.

The Center for Master’s, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies.