Expansion of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

The Universityreceived a delegationfrom the TashkentStateDentalInstitute(Uzbekistan). The guestspresentedtheireducationalprogramsandachievementsin the academicandscientificfields.
Duringthevisit, prospects for cooperationin the scientific and educationalfield were discussed, workingcurricula of educationalprograms in theareas of “Dentistry”and”Medicine” were considered in detail. The partieshave a memorandumofunderstanding,whichprovides for the exchange of studentsandteachers.Nowtheissueofdeepeningcooperationwithin the framework of the memorandumwith the creation of jointeducationalprograms is being considered.
Representatives of bothsidesstressed the importance of thiscooperationfor the development of medicaleducationinKazakhstanandUzbekistan. The partnership will open up newopportunitiesforstudentsandteachers,facilitating the exchange of knowledgeandexperience.
The guests from Tashkent expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and the high organization of the visit, noting the positive impressions of the university.