Nuclear power plants are the key to the future

Aroundtableon the topic”NPPis the key to the future” was held with the participation of universityactivists.
Duringtheevent, Head of the Department of Radiology,Candidate of MedicalSciencesYerbolatIztleuovon the topic”Nuclear power plantsinKazakhstan:radiationsafetyand public health”,Chairman of the Alliance of Students of KazakhstaninAktoberegionTemirlanAldazharovon the topic”For a peacefulatom”and2nd year student of the Faculty of GeneralMedicine,member of the discussionclub”Zhalyn”SultanbekKabdimanapon The topic”Nuclear power plantsinKazakhstan” was sharedandansweredthestudents’ questionsregarding the construction of a nuclear power plant.
The construction of a nuclear power plantin the country will certainlyhave a greatimpactonsolvingenergyissues. In addition,inorder to systematicallyimplementthisproject, it will certainlybe an effectivesolution to switchtocleanenergysources.Most of the opinionswere like that.
The participants also held a discussion on the construction of a nuclear power plant and in this regard dwelt in detail on the importance of holding a Referendum.