Russian national congress of cardiologists

The Russian National Congress of Cardiologists was held in St. Petersburg. This is the largest scientific and medical event, the history of which has been conducted since 2000. This year’s congress was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the outstanding Russian physician and scientist N. Korotkov. As always, the scientific program of the congress was rich and multifaceted and included relevant sections of modern cardiology: arrhythmology, emergency, pediatric, interventional cardiology, cardiovascular surgery and organization of cardiological care. Much attention was paid to such important issues as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, non-coronary heart disease, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension.
The congress was actively attended by PhD, Professor Bekbolat Zholdin and doctoral student Aiganym Amanova from the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2. The scientists presented an electronic poster with an oral presentation on the topic: “Arterial hypertension and antitumor therapy: current trends.” The department has been working in this direction since 2021. In December 2023, the staff of the department completed the NTP: “Development of a program for early diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications caused by chemotherapy for breast cancer.”
According to the results of the NTP, a training manual has been released: “Cardioncology” and “Guidelines for the organization of cardioncological services”.