Chinese scientists have arrived at the university

The University was specially visited by professors of the Chinese University in Hong Kong Carmen Chan and NG Shek Nam. During the visit, an official meeting of high-ranking guests with the university administration took place.
Acting Rector Nadiyar Musin made a presentation and introduced foreign scientists to the almost seventy-year history of our university.
The parties discussed the educational process and relations of international cooperation, exchanged views on partnership. At the end of the meeting, the guests were given a tour of the Museum of History and Modernity of the university, where they got acquainted with valuable exhibits.
It should be noted that the visit of Chinese scientists to our educational institution will last several days. According to a pre-planned program, professors of the Chinese University will meet with the management of the Medical Center, get acquainted with the work of the rehabilitation centers “DARU”, “Ayala”. It is also expected that both sides will come to a number of formal agreements based on mutual cooperation.