Аcademic mobility in TashSDI

From November 04 to 08 Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, PhD Malika Knisarina visited Tashkent State Dental Institute (TashSDI) as part of the academic mobility program and conducted lectures and practical classes for students. Students of the 1st and 2nd courses of the specialty «Medical business» showed keen interest in all classes, asked many questions, and gave constructive feedback.
The students also actively participated in the training «Reprogramming for well-being», where they got acquainted with the Concept of well-being, including physical, emotional, social and intellectual well-being, the main tools and practices for promoting well-being.
Together with the teachers of the Uzbek Language and Pedagogy Department at TashSDI, as well as the head, Z.Sirozhiddinova, and other specialists from the Information Resource Center, we discussed issues related to future joint scientific and creative activities.
The head of our department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Associate Professor L.Akramova, emphasized the significance of international exchange of experiences and expressed gratitude to the leadership of M.Ospanov Western Kazakhstan Medical University for providing an opportunity for professional cooperation between our two universities.