Layout competition

At the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, a mock-up competition «The best pathological process» organized by the SNK «Pathomorphologist» took place.
As part of the competition, students presented their works, which demonstrated various pathological processes. An important aspect was not only the accurate reproduction of the processes, but also the ability of the participants to reveal the essence of the disease mechanism. The expert jury, consisting of the faculty of the department, evaluated the work according to several criteria.
According to the results of the competition, Samrat Bitleuov took the first place, 221-group, medicine, layout «Gangrene of the foot», II place Emir-Matin Kaidaruly, 321-group, medicine, layout «Fatty liver hepatosis», Anel Becket, Raushan Izbergen 214-group, dentistry, layout «Cerebral hemorrhage», III place students from 342 groups, International Medical Faculty, mock-up called «Sarcoidosis»: Jabeen Anjum, Zubia Perveen, Mushtaq Mir Janib, Yasir Ahmad Khan, Arbab Khan, Raza Hasan, Zainab Mohammad Ashraf from 348 A group, International Medical Faculty, mock-up «Cirrhosis of the liver», Dmitry Kurgan, Aizhan Smagulova 220-dentistry group, Periodontitis layout.
The winners of the competition were awarded Diplomas and valuable prizes, and their works will be presented at the University fair.