Palliative care: successes, problems, prospects

The IX Republican conference of the Association of Palliative Care of Kazakhstan is taking place with the participation of international experts on the topic «Palliative care in the Republic of Kazakhstan: successes, problems, prospects».
During the event, Acting Rector Nadiyar Musin congratulated the conference participants and wished them success in the work of the conference.
— «Palliativecareis a dynamicallydevelopingfield of medicineall over the world.Itsgoalis to improve the quality of life of seriously ill people with an incurabledisease.This is the correctassessmentandrelief of the suffering,painandotherphysicalsymptoms of the patient.Assistanceprovidedbyprovidingpsychological,socio-legalandspiritualsupport to patientsandtheirfamilies»,henoted.
Also, the chief specialist of the regional health department Maksat Seitmukhambetov noted the importance of the event. Further, Gulnara Sarsenbayeva, Director of the Department of Medical Care Organization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gulnara Kunirova, President of the Kazakhstan Association of Palliative Care, and speakers from all regions, as well as specialists from Russia and other countries, got in touch online and shared their experience.
The conference includes plenary sessions with a wide thematic coverage focused on the systemic development of palliative care in Kazakhstan, master classes of great practical value for specialists, a round table on pressing practical problems, summing up the results of the I International Youth Competition of social and Psychological initiatives in palliative care «The Future with care» and much more.
It should be noted that the conference is scheduled for two days.