The audience in the national style

An auditorium decorated in the national style was opened at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. The main purpose of equipping the auditorium in the national style is to promote and popularize the history, culture, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.
The solemn opening of the office was attended by the university administration, headed by Acting Rector Nadiyar Musin, and deans of faculties, teachers of the department.
The cabinet displays elements of the Kazakh yurt — kerege, shanyrak, and items of decoration such as sandyk, kamcha, national costumes, etc. The exhibition of national products was made by the hands of teachers of the department and students, which became a wonderful addition to the study. Every detail has a deep meaning and demonstrates the craft and creativity of the Kazakh people.
This initiative will undoubtedly increase the interest of young people in the national culture and will contribute to the preservation of the continuity of generations.