Woman and society

In the A.Doszhanova Conference Hall, as part of the international campaign «16 days without violence», a meeting on the topic «Woman and society» was held with students of all faculties.
. It was attended by the chief inspector-Secretary of the Commission on Women’s Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the akim of the region M.Korganbayeva, head of the juvenile police department of the Aktobe police Department B.Zhalekeshova, coordinator of the Ana uyi resource center M.Utegenova, chief physician of the Umit children’s home A.Bizhanova, coordinator of the Zhalyn discussion club Sh.Dosmukhambetova, deans of faculties, specialists of the Youth Affairs Service and curators.
The speakers covered the topic with reports and answered questions from young people. As part of the event, an exhibition organized by students was presented. The actress of the student theater «MedART» Albina Isenbayeva read the monologue «A woman in everyday life», and the performers of the organization «MedSTARS» performed the song «Ar ayel bakytty boluga layykty», which means every woman deserves happiness.