Open Day: 624 students came for the tour

One of the main activities of the museum is the professional orientation of university students. Every student who visits the museum realizes that the patient’s life is in the hands of a doctor, that is, it depends on his knowledge and experience, and feels responsible.
They will once again make sure that medicine is not an easy profession and will be treated responsibly. Future doctors who have chosen the medical industry should familiarize themselves with the history of the educational institution in which they study. Of course, it contributes to the deepening of students’ knowledge, the development of their creative abilities and professional orientation.
In this regard, the University Museum organized a traditional Open Day for 1st year students. During the tour, the students got acquainted with the achievements of famous doctors, the pride of the nation.
Following theresults of the firststage of the OpenDay, the museum was visited by 57groups of faculties of the university, 624students.
Similar Open Days will continue throughout the school year.