«16 days without violence»: the action continues

The Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry organized a round table for 1st year students on the topic «The disease of society: domestic violence».
It was attended by the district inspector of the police department No. 1 of the city of Aktobe R.Inatov, psychologist of the social and psychological support service D.Narimanov, psychologist B.Nurseit, Deputy Dean of the Faculties of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health and Preventive Medicine M.Zhailybaev.
Violence against women is a threat faced not only by one family, but also by society. It is the duty of every citizen not to be indifferent to the circumstances occurring in the environment, the fight against offenses and violence.
Students of 111-116 groups of «Medicine», 101-102 groups of «Public health» were explained the problems of violence and ways to combat it, actions and organizations to provide assistance in the case of a victim.