Аlisher is the winner of the Grand prix

3rd year student, head of the student scientific circle «Anatomist» Alisher Zhexen won the Grand Prix in the section «Innovations in Medicine» at the international scientific and morphological conference of students and young scientists «Anatomy of Alemi — world of anatomy», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Astana Medical University organized by the Department of Human Anatomy named after A.Aubakirov. university.
The main purpose of the conference is to promote the sciences of morphology, discuss the creation of joint scientific projects and startups, exchange experiences and ideas. The conference was attended by young scientists from universities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.
In addition, at the round table on the topic «Creation of an interuniversity scientific discussion platform», information was presented on the work of the student scientific circle «Anatomist» and a discussion was held on further joint work.
Congratulations to Alisher Zheksen and scientific supervisor, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with operative Surgery Aigul Zhanabayeva on her achievements and wish success in further research work!