Cheerleading championship among 2-3-year students

The championship in cheerleading among university students was held at the Zhastar Arena sports complex. The competitions were held according to simplified rules, without special requirements for participants. A total of 80 people took part in the competition, who formed 9 teams.
The championship is held in three categories. The teams Blink, Ignis, Glamour in the Cheer Dance Show nomination, the Infinity, Shiny, Sparkle teams in the Cheer Dance Freestyle nomination and the Diversity, Vintage, Eclipse teams in the support group nomination.
According to the results of the competition, the participants were distributed as follows. In the Cheer Dance Show nomination, the first place was taken by the Blink team, the second place by the Glamour team, the third place by the Ignis team. In the Cheer Dance Freestyle nomination, the first place went to the Infinity team, the second place to the Shipuk team and the third place to the Sparkle team, in the support group nomination, the first place was taken by the Vintage team, the second place by the Eclipse team, the third place by the Diversity team. The competitions were held at a high level.