Histology exchanged experiences

The international scientific and practical conference «Evidence of morphological research in medicine» was held in Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan. The head of the Department of Histology, Zhanat Komekbai, took part in the work of the organizing committee of the conference. The event was also attended by teachers and doctoral students of the department, as well as active participants of the student scientific circle «Histologist».
Duringtheconference, representatives of ourdepartmentsuccessfullydefendedtheirscientificreports,forwhich they wereawardeddiplomasandcertificates. The participantsalsoattendedmorphologyworkshopsandexchangedexperienceswithcolleagues.
We are confidentthat the solidbridge of cooperationbetweenBashkirStateMedicalUniversityandoureducationalinstitutionwillcontinue to developandstrengthen.
We thank the university management for their comprehensive support in organizing participation in such a significant international event!