Visiting professor

At the Department of Psychology, within the framework of the Visiting Professor program, the head of the Department of Behavioral Sciences of the European University, PhD, Associate Professor Khatuna Dondoladze conducted interesting and informative lectures in English for 5th-year students of the specialty «General Medicine» in the discipline «Communication skills in clinical practice» on the following topics: «Behavioral science for medical students», «Interpretation of emotions and reactions of patients», «Assessment of patients with behavioral symptoms», «Stress during hospitalization», «Doctor-patient relationship».
The practical results of fruitful collaboration with a foreign professor are the professor’s consultation on the correction of syllabuses in the discipline «Communication skills in clinical practice» for the 5th year of the specialty «General Medicine» and «Basics of communication skills» for the 1st year of the specialty «Medicine» and the publication of a joint article by X.Dondoladze and A.Miraleeva «Effects of winning a sports match on emotional duration and work performance in adolescent supporters during the postcompetition period» in the 3rd issue of the Gylymy alliance magazine.