Нead of department:
Murat Jakanov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, surgeon of the highest category has been the head of the department since 2009. In 2001 and 2010 he defended candidate and doctoral dissertations by the specialty of surgery. In 2011, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
Research priorities: emergency abdominal surgery, endovideosurgery, diabetic foot syndrome.
He has more than 110 publication including monography, 4 training manual, methodological recommendations and 10 patents for invention.
In 2016 he completed a practical internship by liver transplantation at the Seoul National University Hospital.
He has been the award “Құрмет грамотасы” in 2012 and the breastplate “Денсаулық сақтау ісіне қосқан үлесі үшін” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020.
- Jakanov Murat Kenestikovich, doct.m.s, Associate Professor, head of the department;
- Tayshibayev Kairat Ryszhanovich, m.s., Associate Professor of the department;
- Gainollina Gulnur Gainollakyzy, m.m.s., Assistant of the department;
- Sagynganov Serik Kadirbekuly – Assistant of the department;
- Bralov I.I., Assistant of the department;
- Otenova Almazhan Kalikyzy, Office-manager of the department.
History of creation:
The Department of General Surgery was established in 1959. The first rector of ASMI was Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon Almagambet Bekeshovich Dairov. He also headed the department of General Surgery, which was located in the medical unit No. 1 of Aktyubinsk plant of ferroalloys and chrome compounds.
In 1960-2022 the department is based in the Railway Hospital.
The first employees of the department: Leonid Grigorievich Pamurzin, Vladimir Semenovich Kurapin, Polina Ignatyevna Yurochkina.
In different years, the department was headed by: R.M. Kozachinsky, Zh.M. Sidzhanov, V.I. Savitsky, L.G. Pamurzin, B.I. Baspayev, S.N. Koblandin, A.Ye.Tuleuov, M.K. Teleuov, N.A. Akatayev, M.N. Izimbergenov, Т.А. Jarkenov, O.M. Kurmangaliyev, B.S. Zhakiyev.
D.m.s. S.Zh. Sahipov worked at the department as Professors. C.m.s. V.U. Fetisov, c.m.s. O.Sh. Shaikhiyev, c.m.s. S.Z. Zharmagambetov, c.m.s. Ye.A.Sigida, c.m.s.T.K. Dyuzelbyev, c.m.s. A.B. Bayzharkinova worked at the department as Associate Professors. U.A. Alniyazov, A.G. Kharitonova, A.B. Baimusayev, Zh.A. Doskaliyev, A.G. Almambetov, V.N. Kamdayev, H.K. Arginov, Sh.M. Zhurgenbayev, K.Zh. Zhanabayev, T.K. Kulzhabayev, N.B. Aibasov, B.A. Azhmuratov, D.B. Yesenbayev, K.S. Imanbayev, A.S. Koishibayev worked as assistants.
Objectives: Formation of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities on the basics of surgical pathology, as well as scientific research.
Educational programs:
- “General medicine”, discipline “General Surgery”, 3rd course, in the state, russian, english languages of training;
- “Nursing”, discipline “Nursing care in surgery”, 1st course of accelerated training;
- “Stomatology”, discipline “General surgery”, 3rd course;
- “Military medicine”, discipline “General Surgery”, 3rd course;
- “Plastic surgery for adults, children”, (residency), from 2023.
The topics of scientific activity are the problems of treatment of destructive pancreatitis, mechanical jaundice, diabetic foot, 3D printing of immobilization tires for fractures, for which among other things STP was performed by grant funding.
Medical advisory work is carried out in the department of emergency surgery of the medical center of the Marat Ospanov WKMU. The staff of the department provides assistance to practical healthcare in Kargaly city hospital, city polyclinic No. 1, as well as if necessary in medical institutions in the western regions of Kazakhstan.
The staff of the department successfully completed the STP for intra-university grant financing, including student STP. Applications have been submitted for grant financing of the Ministry of Science and higherEducation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as for an intra-university grant. Within the framework of improving the quality of teaching staff of the department, Tayshibayev K.R. defended the degree of Magister of Medicine and ass. of the department Gainollina G.G. entered the doctoral program in 2023. For their contribution to the development of the country’s healthcare, the staff of the department were awarded the badge ” Денсаулық сақтау ісіне қосқан үлесі үшін” by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020 and in 2022 (Jakanov M.K., Tayshibayev K.R.).
Contact: Zhanakonys district, Marat Ospanov «WKMU» medical center, 8th floor, [email protected]
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