Trilingual online subject Olympiad at the department of the histology

December 20-21, 2021, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology, ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov, c.m.s. Egemberdieva Roza Esenbaevna and students of the 219 AB group of faculty “General medicine”: Bainazarova Aruzhan, Bauyrzhankyzy Dinara, Ilemesova Darina, Nazarova Alina, Zhumabayeva Diana and Mukhanbetov Batyr organized a trilingual online Olympiad was held among 2nd year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The online Olympiad consisted of two tours:
1st tour: online testing, where each student was given theoretical questions, in which he could show his skills and knowledge in the discipline “Histology”.
2nd tour: diagnostics of histological preparations, which took place in an online conference on the ZOOM platform. The student’s task was to accurately name and describe the preparations they selected, hidden in the cells.
The students who took part in the event fully demonstrated their abilities and knowledge in the discipline “Histology”.
According to the results of the Olympiad:
I degree diploma – Nurlybekkyzy Dayanа 222A
II degree diploma – Albekhodzhieva Medni 219B
III degree diploma – Kolosova Natalia 221A
Distinguished jury members were elected:
Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences – Komekbai Zhanat Eskaraevna.
Professor of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences -Temirova Gulnara Ayaganovna.
Head teacher, Master of Medical Sciences – Berdalinova Akzhenis Krimgereevna.
Head of the department, c.m.n. Komekbai Zhanat Eskaraevna awarded students with diplomas, letters of thanks and certificftes, which received the 1st, 2nd,3rd places,organizers and actively participating in online Olympiad and noted the success at the first online Olympiad. The organizer of the event R.E.Egemberdieva thanked the jury and students.