Announcement on the competitive filling of the vacant position of the Head of Department of digitalization and processes automation of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University” – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Announcement on the competitive filling of the vacant position of the Head of Department of digitalization and processes automation of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

Vacant position: Head of Department of digitalization and processes automation of NJSC “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

Basic requirements for the participant of the competition: higher technical education (computer science, information systems, computer engineering and software) and work experience in a managerial position for at least 5 years.


Functional responsibilities:

Head of Department of digitalization and processes automation:

  1. Forms the strategy of the university in the field of information technology as an integral part of the business strategy of the university, as well as the information security of the university.
  2. Directs the research of the university’s business processes in order to determine the feasibility of their automation.
  3. Organizes the activities of the Department of digitalization and automation of processes for the creation, maintenance, development and information support of the system of computer equipment, communications and communications for mechanized and automated information processing, solving engineering, economic and other tasks.
  4. Manages the development of plans and schedules for information processing and computing work in accordance with the orders of departments, contracts for the performance of work for third-party organizations and the technical capabilities of the Department of digitalization and process automation.
  5. Selects the main composition of electronic computing equipment, makes its justification, determines the forms and methods of information collection, ensures the development and coordination with the relevant departments of the university of technological schemes of information processing on tasks and technological processes of information processing by means of computer technology.
  6. Determines the rational workload of departments and performers, ensures control over the progress of information receipt, compliance with schedules and regulations for solving tasks and performing work on time, and the quality of work.
  7. Ensures the updating of the technical base of the department of digitalization and automation of processes and information services, the introduction of modern methods and means of information processing.
  8. Conducts research and analysis of the information services market in order to provide the university with modern information technologies.
  9. Manages the design of the structure of databases and access mechanisms to them, the development and provision of regulations for working with system data, the study of possible sources of information to ensure the functioning of the information and analytical system, planning to ensure the protection of the system in accordance with the security concept.
  10. Organizes the participation of the Department of digitalization and automation of processes in the improvement and development of norms and standards of the university for the use of software and hardware, methodological base for the creation and development of the information and computing system of the university, as well as the development of organizational and technical measures for the introduction of computer technology in order to improve labor efficiency.
  11. Participates in organizing and conducting training for users of applied software applications, designing and developing the automated system for continuous training of users of applied software applications, designing and developing an automated system for continuous training of university employees.
  12. Organizes and manages informatization and information security.
  13. Organizes the work of employees of the Department of digitalization and processes automation in accordance with the requirements of its safety and rational organization, monitors compliance with staff and financial discipline.
  14. Observes the work schedule of the university.
  15. Complies with the requirements of this job description.


List of documents for participation in the competition:

  1. Application addressed to the Chairman of the Board-Rector;
  2. Copy of the identification document;
  3. Copies of diplomas of higher education, and (or) academic or scientific degree , a document on academic title and originals for verification;
  4. Copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if any) and originals for verification;
  5. Copies of the certificate of specialist / admission to clinical activity (for clinical departments);
  6. List of scientific works and inventions, if any (for employees of the University, the list of scientific works is certified by the academic secretary);
  7. Medical certificate on the state of health (medical professional advisory opinion) according to the form No. 075 / y;
  8. Certificate from neuropsychiatric organization in the form;
  9. Certificate from narcological organization in the form;
  10. Certificate on presence or absence of information on the records issued by the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Records of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the person committing a criminal offense.
  11. Participant of the competition has the right to provide additional information regarding his education, work experience, professional level, knowledge of languages, etc.
  12. Persons working at the university apply characteristics of the higher management.
  13. CV.


 Date of publication: May 26, 2022 y.

Documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the university.

Documents are accepted at the address: NJSC «West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University» Republic of Kazakhstan, 030019, Aktobe city, Maresyev street 68. Administration building, office 103. Tel.: +7 (7132) 54-69-25. e-mail: [email protected]

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