Documents Aitbaeva Aliya Matzhanovna for the degree of doctor PhD



The Dissertation Council on the specialty “Medicine” at the Non-commercial joint-stock company “West Kazakhstan Marat OspanovMedical University” announces defense of the dissertation thesis for the Ph.D. degree by Aitbaeva Aliya Matzhanovna on the topic: ” Minimally invasive technologies in complex treatment of gallstone disease complicated by obstructive jaundice “on thespecialty 6D110100 “Medicine”.

The dissertation work has been performed at the Department of Surgical Diseases №2 of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University.

Form of defense – dissertation work

Language of the thesis presentation is Russian.

Scientific Advisers:

Zhakiyev Bazylbek Sagidollievich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head the Department of Surgical Diseases №2, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

Kashibadze Kakhaber – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia.


Official reviewers:

  1. Ospanov Oral Bazarbaevich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases, Bariatric Surgery and Neurosurgery, “Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
  2. Baimakhanov Abylai Niyatovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Internship and Residency, “Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University”, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Temporary members of the dissertation council:

  1. Taigulov Erlan Agzamovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases with a course of angiosurgery and plastic surgery, “Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
  2. Aimagambetov Meirbek Zhaksybekovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery, “Semey Medical University”, Semey, Kazakhstan.
  3. Turgunov Ermek Meiramovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases №2, ” Karaganda Medical University”, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

The defense will be held on September 22, 2021, at 15:00 a.m. at the Dissertation Council on the specialty “Medicine” at the WKMOSMU: 030019, Aktobe, 68, Maresyev Street, office of the administration. The meeting of the dissertation council will take place online in the form of a videoconference by reference

The Dissertational Council website, where the text of the announcement and the annexes are posted:

Scientific secretary: Amanzholkyzy Ainur, tel. (mob) +7 7759204682; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected].