Congratulations to Batyrovа G. A. and Knisarinа M. M. on the successful completion of their projects in the competition for grant funding announced by the MES of the RK

The University administration congratulates Batyrova Gulnara Arystangalievna and Knisarina Malika Maksatovna on the successful completion of their projects in the competition for grant funding announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Batyrova G. A. successfully defended the PhD degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and since 2020 holds the position of head of the Department of “Laboratory and Visual Diagnostics”. Her project ” Development of the online Atlas” Elemental status of the population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan””(IRN AP08855535) won the competition for the GF for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 with a implementation period of 27 months.

Knisarina M. M. also completed her PhD in 2016 in the specialty “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” and is currently a senior teacher of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. The project ” Social responsibility of students in the context of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan” (IRN AP09058126) participated and received approval in the competition for grant funding of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023, held among scientists under the age of 40.

Both employees of the university show active participation in the scientific activities of the university, as well as publish articles in international peer-reviewed journals included in the Scopus database and the Web of Science.